How to Take care of your Skin after summer

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When I returned home after my beach vacation, I realized that my skin was desquamated, especially my legs and my feet, so I thought it was the perfect time for a beauty immerse.

In order for the skin to be really healthy and moisturized it is essential to exfoliate it. You can use any product that you may have, and if you don’t have one you can mix sugar with olive or coconut oil. It is basic that you do it before entering the shower because in that way you’ll make sure that the oil is absorbed and that all the dead cells are removed (I have done it while having a shower and I have confirmed that when the skin is wet you don’t get the same results). If you do that, you will feel that you have a porcelain skin as soon as you rinse yourself out.

Then, once the skin is dry, you have to moisturize it with a moisturizing cream or with coconut oil. Which cream can you use? A friend of mine advised me to use Nivea for extra dry skin. It really moisturize the skin and leaves my skin luminous. It is affordable and you can buy it in any supermarket or drugstore. And if you already have a moisturizing lotion and you want to make it even more moistening you can mix it with three or four almond oil droplets and that’s it!

Extra Tip: Don’t forget to apply it on your feet, elbows and neck.

Try it and then you tell me how it was!