Magia Negra: art, fashion and photography by Ramírez-Val & Musso

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Ramírez, Val & Musso. Magia Negra, the exhibition that the designer Pablo Ramírez and the photographers Luciana Val and Franco Musso opened on February 25th at Espacio de Arte of Fundación Osde, is a journey to a world of excellence where art, expressed as photography, drawing and design, and fashion, talk fluently.

The work that Ramírez does in each one of his garments is that of a craftsman and perfection is inherent to everything he embarks on, those qualities together with the aesthetic look of Val & Musso and the precise curatorship of María Laura Carrascal, make Magia Negra an exhibition that is on a par with the best of the world/ a sober and sophisticated exhibition/ an exhibition of a superb professionalism.

The exhibition displays Ramírez, Val & Musso world in 45 garments, 78 photos, among which there are two murals, 6 illustrations executed by Pablo Ramírez, a sound-track directed by Lucrecia Martel and narrated by Marilú Marini, and a short film called Intrusa directed by Ignacio Masllorens.

All that converges in 12 series that include works performend between the year 2000, such as Patria, the first campaign that Ramírez did with Val & Musso, and Casta, the designer’s initial collection; until the years 2015 and 2016, such the series Camerón, Maniquíes, and Caperucita Roja.

But there are also some works of art that were specifically done for this exhibition, such as the portraits that make up the series Women, a bridge between literature and fashion that reflects the three universes of Ramírez three favorite writers: Victoria Ocampo, Federico García Lorca y Manuel Puig.

Anyway, Magia Negra goes beyond the differences between the series and the years in which each collection or photo was done. Everything is crossed by the same artistic look and there is a conceptual unity that is perceived from the shop window that opens the exhibition on the Street till the light that lights up each photograph: nothing is nada was left up to fate and everything is art in its most complete sense.


Espacio de Arte Fundación Osde (Suipacha 658, First Floor)


From February 25th until April 30th.


From Mondays to Saturdays from 12 to 20. Sundays and Holidays closed.

Guided tours: Wednesdays at 18 and Saturdays at 17.

Special Activities:

-Meeting with the curator, María Laura Carrascal: March 10th at 18.

-Round table: fashion and communication, with Victoria Lescano, Felisa Pinto and Ana Torrejón: April 7th at 18.

-Pablo Ramírez, Luciana Val and Franco Musso talk with the audience: April 28th at 18.
