Arbus: A Look Into the Other New York

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Por Pamela Aguirre Leonetti

Diane Arbus was, maybe, one of the most provocative artists of the XX Century. Not only because of her way of telling stories, with harsh, real and honest photos, but also because of the election of her characters: real human beings that show a side of New York that sometimes is hidden, that of outcasts.

“In the beginning”, the exhibition that has just arrived at MALBA, curated by Jeff L. Rosenheim, shows more than one-hundred photographs of the artist and goes through almost ten years of her career with portraits that show the streets of New York, its old people, its children, youth, artists, crazy people, taxi drives, women and men.

The blue, dim and silent room is the perfect match for the works of art that are more that simple portraits and that, in its black and whites tones, show the hidden nature of each character, their invisible essence.

Arbus’ curiosity and rule-breaking spirit can be seen in each photo, and the urban spaces of New York are depicted as never before: Diane looked for her characters and places with dedication, that’s why, maybe, her characters move between the ordinary and the aura of movie stars.

If you like photography, you can’t miss this exhibition organization by MALBA and the Metropolitan Museum of Art, a unique opportunity to know the art of one of the legends of New York photography.

Where? MALBA Room 5, Level 2. Av. Pres. Figueroa Alcorta 3415

When? Until October 9th.


Thursday to Monday: 12:00 a 20:00

Wednesday: 12:00 a 21:00.

Tuesday: closed